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Monday, April 14, 2008

Responsible gambling benefits everyone

Gambling is a major employer in Canada and in Sault Ste. Marie, a study released by the Canadian Gaming Association says.

The question on many minds is whether that's a good thing.

Locally, the economic impact is obvious and positive, in our opinion.

In Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Lottery and Gaming data show that as of July 2007, 909 people were employed in the gaming industry locally: 566 at corporate headquarters on Foster Drive and 343 at Casino Sault Ste. Marie. That's an annual payroll of $48 million, said OLG spokesperson Don Pister.

"Gaming has grown significantly over the past decade to become an essential pillar of the entertainment industry in Canada," Bill Rutsey, president and CEO of the Canadian Gaming Association, told reporter Elaine Della-Mattia recently.

Gambling can be a devastating addiction, but so can alcohol, so can tobacco.

You can take the examples a step further and say automobiles spew toxins into the air, which are destroying the planet, or kitchen knives can be used violently.

People can choose to drink, smoke or drive a car. The gambling issue is not black and white and the gaming industry has been trying to promote responsible gambling. We believe there is such a thing and it's in our interest to promote it.

A thriving casino is a perfect fit for a community that is striving to become a tourist destination. Going for a hike or a fishing trip during the day, having dinner and unwinding at the casino sounds like an enjoyable day by most people's standards.

Daily Observer, Ontario CA

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