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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Change In Congress View on Online Gambling

Another Congressman supports Rep. Barney Frank's bill, making the total number of IGREA supports reach 48. Welcome to the club, Rep. Jerrold!

By Alon G Apr 08, 2008 - Online Casino Report (Where Gamblers Meet)

IGREA, USA, Barney Frank
More Republicans seem to be supporting online gambling as Jerrold Nadler (R-NY) has become the 48th co-sponsor of the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act (IGREA).

House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) Chairman Barney Frank proposed the IGREA on October 4, 2007. Rep. Frank suggested that the Congress begin a review scrutinizing the effectiveness of the 2006 ban on online gambling.

A Man Others Look Up To...

Due to his respectable statues in congress, Rep. Nadler brings greater hope along with his support of the IGREA. Nadler is currently serving his 9th term as a Member of Congress representing portions of Manhattan's West Side, Lower Manhattan and areas of Brooklyn. In addition, Nadler serves as Chairman of the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee dealing with issues such as expression, religious freedom and privacy. Nadler plays a major role in ideological battles that take place in congress such as online gambling.

Nadler also deals with issues such as Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.

A man others will follow...

Nadler clearly presents his support on his website by stating that "there is nothing more fundamental to being an American that the assurance against unwarranted government interference in one's personal affairs."

Rep. Nadler's support may be the element needed in order to persuade the rest of Congress to join the side of legal online gambling.