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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Planning to win on your next trip to that casino

by Staff of Online Casino Action

There’s an old adage out there that goes like this … no one plans to fail, but many fail to plan. Here’s a little bit of twist to link this to winning or losing at the casino … Nobody plans to lose, but losers fail to plan. I know the talk is tough, but it’s true.

Many people go to the casinos to “learn” to play the game. Bad move. Having your hard-earned cash on the table at risk is not the time to be learning the rules. Take the time prior to going to the casino to learn the rules, tips and the game itself. Doing so will at least increase your odds of winning and that is what we are trying to do, have a better chance of winning!

Learn and know about the moves that will increase your odds of winning. Let’s break this down to a ridiculous but true story. I’m at the $25 black-jack table of a local casino and a person sits down next to me. This person lost $200 in a matter of 5 minutes. He couldn’t figure out why. When he got up to leave, he was mumbling something about the fix is in. I asked him what he meant. He told me, “I had pairs several times and still lost even though the dealer didn’t have any pairs.” Are you kidding me! This guy was playing at the black-jack table, but thought he was playing poker.

Golden rule … if you take the time before going to the casino to learn how, what and why your doing what your supposed to be doing with a particular game, then you too can plan on winning at your next trip to the casino or at least increase your chances of winning substantially.

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