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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Man Up $2,000,000 loses everything plus $500 …

by Online Casino Action

Gambling and emotions are tightly entwined. They are also two things that should never go hand and hand. We’ve all heard the stories. Someone is at the table and is up $5,000 only to lose that and more over the next hour or so. We all have that feeling of invincibility when we are on a winning streak. So how do we separate our emotions from the gambling aspect? Think about how lousy it feels to lose. And if you do lose, think of this story your about to read, and feel better knowing you didn’t lose this big.

This is a true story … a man places a bet with Vegas at the beginning of the 2007 - 2008 NFL season. He bets $500 that the Patriots will go undefeated including winning the Super Bowl. If he wins, his $500 becomes $8,000,000 (that’s right, $8 MILLION). Ahh, but there’s a twist. You see, the house never loses. And, if they do, they are going to make it difficult for you to win their money, and that’s precisely what they did.

The New England Patriots did go undefeated and made it to the Superbowl. But Vegas, like the banker in the TV show Deal or No Deal, wasn’t going to go down without a fight. They wanted to cut their losses. Vegas contacted this person one week before the big game and offered him $2,000,000 (that’s right, $2 MILLION) to buy out his bet.

Well, this person was thinking emotionally and emotions will cloud your judgement everytime. How could his New England Patriots lose, he thought, even Vegas had them favored by 14 points. His answer … “No Way”. I want my $8,000,000 dollars.

Well, the New England Patriots who were the favorite, lost that Sunday evening. And this gambler who refused to see the forest through the trees, lost not only his $8,000,000 or the sure thing of $2,000,000 but also his $500.

Whenever you are up at the casino, move on. Like Kenny Rogers sings in the Gambler, “You’ve got to know when to walk away”. The moral to this story is always, always take the sure thing!

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